
Total Records: 5

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Copyright Clearence Center -

225 days ago

Cigdem D.

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232 days ago


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240 days ago

Molly T.

If you’ve ever authored content, you know that reference management software provides immense value and time savings by automatically formatting citations. Whether you come from a small, mid-sized, or large company, a reliable reference management system is extremely important. While there are a lot of great reference management tools on the market, there are some special considerations for those in corporate settings. Many reference managers were built for individual or academic use, which may not meet the needs of those authoring in a corporate environment.

Here are five key questions you may want to explore if your company is looking for reference management software:

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Copyright Clearence Center -

307 days ago

Andy S.

Amazon Urges Judge To Dismiss Antitrust Case

Amazon has asked a federal judge to reject an FTC antitrust suit. The post Amazon Urges Judge To Dismiss Antitrust Case appeared first on Copyright Clearance Center.

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Copyright Clearence Center -

307 days ago

Top 10 Misconceptions About Copyright in Medical Communications

Andy S.

The reuse of published material in medical communications projects is common practice but understanding how this activity intersects with copyright law can be confusing and fraught with misunderstanding that can lead to greater risk of infringement to your organization. Here are some common misconceptions around content access and reuse and guidelines for educating yourself — and your clients — on the responsible reuse of published content.