
Series topic: Vigilance Medical Device Guidance Part 1- topic: “Vigilance Medical Device Regulations (EU) 2017/745

Posted by Florence D.   from Qinecsa Solutions

87 days ago

Join our insightful webinar exploring the latest developments in the EU medical device vigilance landscape, with industry-renowned specialist Veronika Valdova. Learn how to seamlessly integrate medical devices into your pharma portfolio, gain practical strategies for navigating regulations, and establish robust management processes.

Key topics include: 
• Introduction to Medical Device Regulatory Requirements
• Addressing Practical Challenges
• Key Takeaways
• Q&A Session

🎯 This webinar is ideal for: 
• MedTech company leaders in acquisition by pharma
• Pharma company leaders expanding their portfolio to include device products.

For any questions about this webinar, or if you would like to request the recording, please write to: Enjoy! 

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